Arcade Cabinet

This section is the build log for a Multi Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) cabinet, built from a recovered 1994 Primal Rage coin-op arcade machine.

The game was once converted from a Primal Rage fighter setup to a light gun hunting simulator. Using custom wiring and fabricated parts, along with a flashy front-end and discarded consumer hardware, I’m building this into a museum of video gaming legacy in my spare time.

How do I keep my laptop screen on while the lid is closed?

Want closing your ubuntu linux laptop lid to do nothing for some reason? Me too. Here's how: For the purposes…

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Extra tricks for linux on your arcade machine

Want your linux arcade machine to boot right into, and shut down from your attract-mode front end? Change to OpenBox…

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How do I enable the attract-mode intro video?

I had a little downtime at lunch today so I made a new intro video for the quasicade. This video…

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How do I install Lubuntu 16 for MAME Cabinet?

Lubuntu 16.04, MAME 0.179, and Attract-mode 2.20 on older hardware: We're still using the old HP DV9700 series entertainment laptop…

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Vade Retro Microsoft. Hello Linux.

It's been some time since an update on the Quasicade. It's been sitting in the garage lonely. We've got family…

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Progress and Video

You got a quarter? Someone mentioned to me the other day that I've not posted on the Quasicade in a…

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Marquee installed and Dreams achieved

This update is quite delayed, as I temporarily loaned the build camera to someone. I got it back, here's another…

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The Front End

MAME is amazing at what it does, Emulation. But by itself it doesn't quite give you that "arcade machine" feel.…

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Some Cabinet Updates

I spent a bit more time bringing the pieces of the cabinet together. The monitor support with the flat panel…

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Mapping Controls

This weekend was tasked with mapping the controls from the I-Pac interface to the MAME emulator itself. The interface used…

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Out of Control.

The most important part of this project is the control panel. While MAME is able to emulate all of the…

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Sounds like…

The Atari primal rage cabinet featured Atari CAGE: Total Immersion Audio.This meant it had 4" stereo speakers above the screen…

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Bezels and Negative Space.

One of the major flaws in using a widescreen monitor to play vertical classic games is the wasted screen space.…

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The Brains.

This cabinet will run MAME with a front end. Typically MAME can run on fairly wimpy hardware. I happened upon…

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On a diet.

This cabinet was fairly massive, as it originally had a full size CRT in it. Arcade purists will say its…

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All the Rage

Project: Quasicade This is the first post of many, I'm building a chronicle of a conversion of a 1994 Atari…

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