Information about the machine
- Published
- in Pinball
Interesting facts from the Internet Pinball Database.

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983)
Project Date: January 17, 1977
Date Of Manufacture: February 21, 1977
Model Number: 1118-E
Production: 20,230 units (confirmed)
Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop Bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Stand up targets (4), Roll under spinner (1), Left out lane kickback.

Maximum displayed point score is 999,990 points per player.

Design by: George Christian
Art by: Paul Faris
Although Eight Ball is a solid state machine, sound is not generated by a sound board. Instead, a 4-note MPU controlled chime box produces the sound for this game.

This provides the experience of solid state scoring and response, with the added nostalgia of Electro-mechanical chimes.
The BONUS BALLS in the center of the lower play field are designated balls 1-7 for Players 1 & 3, balls 9-15 for Players 2 & 4.
Artist Margaret Hudson, who assisted Paul Faris on this game as a learning experience, says those are her initials on the bracelet of the girl in the back glass.

Two of the light shields are unusual as they have a second screening of red on top of the normal screening. This causes an effect similar used on the “Phantom of the Opera” glass, though no one probably would ever normally notice. For instance, “Pinky Tuscadero’s” shirt on the slingshot plastic appears red when the game is on, and tan when it’s off.
The representation of Henry Winkler’s Fonzie character from the TV show Happy Days in the artwork was not licensed and caused a problem after it was released.